
Music Videos for Bands Performers & Musicians


Brisbane Queensland

TEL: 07 5449 8807
Mbl: 045515 7728

Music Videos for Bands, Musicians and Performers

Behind the scenes from jeff boot on Vimeo.

Behind the scenes studio clip

shot in Brisbane 2013

Camera Crane shots from jeff boot on Vimeo.

some camera crane shots at a live filmed performance show in noosa
showing the production value of the camera crane with remote head when used with a multi camera shoot

if you want your music video filmed in the middle of a forest or on the beach at 3am, no worries at all

it's not as expensive as you might think, we just make it look a million dollars

Compare our prices and compare our camera production equipment for your video production

This fast paced music video shot in Brisbane on a sunday at a club

Ella Ferdinand is definitely an up and coming starlet with massive energy levels to match her talent

you may just want a simple shoot with the band and myself on Steadicam, a few crane shots, and complete in one day, but it will be looking Great.
it could look epic if we work together with a creative director who could give you an award winning music video.

Planning your music video

planning your music video is like anything else in life, once you've done it once it gets easier, but the problem is you may only have one bite of the apple
because if your first music video is no good that could be the end of your dreams!
go professional, with professional future proof equipment, and a professional company.

there's lot's to consider making your music video, for something that lasts for a few minutes there's a lot of work involved and that's where we are here to help

if you already have a concept or theme in mind, we can work with you on this, or we can help with the creative design for your music video
location location location is a big decision, studio, internal set, external set, permits required?

making a music video is similar to making a short film or commercial, due to time constraints you have to make every second count to make this so it has high impact.
but also not to fall into the trap of Overdoing It.
Good musicians will agree that sometimes playing the space can be very effective. Again this depends upon the style of music video and style of music.
this comes down to creative design, I am not a creative designer or creative director but at MediaFX we know and have worked with great creative Directors across Australia
that we can put you in touch with.

music videos like TVC commercials, short films and some songs would usually have an intro, a middle eight and an outro ending. ie 3 acts
you would have to bring the audience in, get them interested, keep them interested for the duration of the song and give them a reason to come back and want to watch it again 

we don't just offer you a standard DVD, we offer your production to you on BluRay disc at more than twice the resolution of a standard DVD and if required for RAGE a betacam version.

Bands Performers and Musician's looking for a music video to make a difference and surprisingly within your budget, contact Jeff boot 001161 (0)7 5449 88078 for your best price

we are based on the Sunshine Coast Queensland and work our magic across Brisbane Gold coast, NSW and Australia for band videos, music videos, music production

camera crane Hire and camera crane blog, for the best music video and live music video productions
camera crane hire








MediaFX always seek interesting new talented presenters. click here

Musicians and Bands wanted for music videos and profiles

cameraman camera operator hire in your own production for corporate filming, training films or television advertising click here for rates

SITEMAP || Television & Cinema adverts || Corporate company conference video filming || Studio and Green screen presentations || Cameraman Australia || Editing Post production || Music Video Production || Contact MediaFX
Camera crane hire || Studio hire sunshine coast || model portfolio studio sunshine coast

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